Tuesday, November 14, 2006

As I sit here at work, I ponder the many good things in life. Life has been good to me lately. Work is not so bad, Im getting the job done and Im getting more comfortable at it. Not exactly what I want to be doing in life, but hey.. One has to take what one can get. I get paid well. I want a future. I want the house, family, and retirement.. Give it to me. I want it. I want to take it full on. Give me the suburban house, the white picket fence and the 2.3 children. And the family dog. The SUV. My newspaper thrown by the 14-year old boy with bad aim and gets it in the puddle on the walkway. I want Speggetti-O's on my ceiling. I want my child to want me when I pick him up from school and my husband to come home and give me affection after dinner when the kids are asleep. I want life. I want all the positive I can get from this rapidly declining world. I want to show my family what a good world we live in, and how by just us 4.3 people can make it a better place. My children will be Crystal children.. They should be, both thier parents are Star children..

Have you ever felt the need to be wanted? Truely wanted and appreciated? To want someone lust for you and take you all in? I thank God every day that someone has fulfilled my need, but one must have a balance, and for all my needs are my returns.. My Love that has fulfilled my need must also receive my returns.. all equal.. from one kiss to a kiss returned.. to affection to affection returned, to caring to caring returned.. from make one laugh to a laugh returned.. everything must carry a balance..
"The most important human endeavor is the striving for morality in our actions. Our inner balance and even our very existence depends on it. Only morality in our actions can give beauty and dignity to life." -Albert Einstein

Monday, November 06, 2006

Life has been on the up and up lately.. Im actually happier! Winter is a very tough time for me, but I seem to be taking it well. Halloween was a BLAST! I decided to be Dorothy and Jamie was a beer maid and Jesse was lil Red Riding Hood.. we were some sexy chickies! We decided to go to Vision, Joey drove and we all had a great great time.. It was fun checking out what everybody else was.. The winner hands down was these 2 women who were a "roller-coaster ride".. They were hilarious, walking the club together and every few seconds or so they would raise thier hands and scream! ROFLOL! It was too good.. :)
Soo... winter is coming.. brr.. I love walking around the apartment in shorts and a tank top.. But my parents.. my poor parents. Im helping them with a few hundred dollars for the heating bill.. Why must it be so much? Thier house is old and a few windows are cracked.. ::sigh and tear:: I'll try my best to help them even more. That really gets me depressed.. Making sure they're ok, that they can manage. I feel guilty for having such wonderful warmth sometimes, but Im glad that they have us sisters and bro to rely on in case they need us.
That's all for now.. Im at work listening to the new Mana cd and creating a new calendar of classes to teach.. Im liking my new position. Its very different from my old position, I jumped 2 grades and a pay grade as well.. Im going to give it my all, I want to be the best trainer.