Friday, December 29, 2006

God shouldn't I be writing fiction of some sort!?!?!

New Years is coming.. Time to think of a resolution? I think not. Actually, I haven't made resolutions since God knows when. I just look forward to a better year. Will I work out? Maybe. Will I pay off my debts? I hope so. But I dont need the pressure. Life is about having fun.
I'm actually growing tired. I feel my brain rotting, slowing down. I hear the Wicked Witch of the West in her screeching voice screaming "I'm melting! I'm meeelllttting...". I need the Nintendo DS just to have that game where it keeps your brain alert.. I have hopes of going back to school. But I also have hopes of another future. A house. A family. Being happy. The latter hope dominates only because I want that more. There will be jobs, (unless China takes them all, I better learn cantonese quick!) and there will be a future, good or bad.

I've thought about returning to the Options Exchange. At least going back as a 2nd job. I remember those days, and I think about them on a recurring basis. I remember the people, good and bad, I remember how much fun it was.... Just to be a runner. I watch CNBC with a sweet reminisce about how I loved to monitor the S&P even if it was just a 1/4 point. I would check my stock every 5 minutes and study the giant book I had on options...

So many thoughts in my head gather towards the end of a year. I'm looking forward to this new years, since I really haven't had a decent one ever. (I've even slept through a couple.) I'm looking forward to kissing my Joey at midnight in the middle of the Marriott ballroom in my pretty black dress. His kiss has so much emotion, especially coming from one who isn't very verbally emotional at all. That's ok. I love to feel emotion instead. I love to close my eyes and pretend we're on Pont Neuf in Paris, a foggy, drifty, lonesome early morning, before the sun rises and burns the fog off the world's most romantic city. Perhaps we're in London, overlooking the Thames river, wearing raincoats for good measure, and the city is in black and white. His blue eyes have turned to light clear grey, mine are a muddied grey/black, in this 1940's drama. The war is coming, and I see the RAF fighter planes overhead. We return home, and turn on the radio for our favourite drama, instead we hear news of another German U-boat has been sunk by our British Navy, we smile, but are wary, since we do not want war. I do not want him to leave, but Her Majesty calls him.

I love to pretend.

Happy New Year to all.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

I haven't blogged in a while, but while I still ponder on what to write, take a minute to check out this site and please sign the petition to send one of my favourite thinkers/astrophysicists on a NASA mission:

Please copy and send this e-mail, with your name saying "I support this initiative to send David Sereda into space on the NASA Space Shuttle to look for UFOs. I believe NASA has not been forthcoming with all of the evidence they have for ET contact."

Send the letter to:

Dear Chief NASA Administrator Michael Griffin;

Subject: Special Skills application for Astronaut

I, David Sereda, would like to apply to become an astronaut for special reasons. I saw a UFO in Berkeley, CA in 1968 when I was 7 years old. It was saucer shaped, metalic and hovered silently not far from the Berkeley National Lab for over 20 minutes. There were fifty or so witnesses with me. After 20 minutes, the flying saucer went invisible: invisible to the naked eye that is. Hello, My name is David Sereda. I am a well-known Space Science Researcher and UFOlogist. This year I will have spoken to over 100 million people through radio and TV appearances. Because of cetain research I have done into NASA Space Shuttle UFO phenomena, millions of Americans believe NASA is hiding evidence of UFOs appearing on such missions. There is now testimony that NASA has been retouching photographs with UFO in them (deleting UFOs). Gary McKinnon, the British Computer Hacker, testifies to this also. NASA anticipated contact with Extraterestrials when it first set out to journey into space (See the Space Act and the Brooking study 1958). If contact has been made, and the American public has been deceived, NASA may have made the greatest mistake ever for a public agency. I would like to go on the space shuttle and the ISS to conduct studies of UFO phenomenon using special cameras sensitive to visible, infrared and UV to search for UFO activity. I would like to report my findings to the American people. I am now collecting a petition of signatures of citizens who want me to fly on the NASA space shuttle in space to search for ET craft. Please advise me of the application process.

David Sereda

And please check out his website at: